Wednesday, March 9, 2011

8th of March

natural boh ? :)

Track & Field

8th of March is 妇女节 ahahahaa. LOL this not the main point.
Today we have MSSWP olahraga competition.
Depart from school at about 7.00am
Arhhh dun feel like saying details.

Skip skip skip.
We reach there about 8.00am I think.
Then my 400M event starts at 9.00am ( the schedule written )
But sure will delay d lah everytime also ;p
So I think we start at 9 something lah.
Me and Hui do warm up first.

while waiting for our turn, we took many sampat pictures in the tent.

This is Chong Hwa under 15 boys 400M runner. wow see his pose. ;p

this two go and "wan gat" d hahahhaaa SMILE (we are pro girls)

somebody LUM this girl and they keep take her pictures.

Start to nervous liao. Miss Fung and Miss Ng

Aiyaa then no pictures only got video.
Paris she run 2nd saringan and I run 3rd. Actually is not that big round than what I imagine before lah. But I still very very the tired.
Then Paris stomachache lor. Teman her find AMBULANS hahahaaa.
After that we went back to our place, and we rest.
Pictures =D

Jia An :) 200M runner

our place :D

I told him this picture is cute he don't believe =(

yaayaa we do this the whole day. seating down and wait for our turn.
Its quite boring time
so we went to the stalls downstairs and buy food !

yummy ;p
then I bought keropok lekor.
I accidentally walked to the wall posted with all semi-finals name list
I just wanna go and have a look only
I saw my name ==

but with wrong spelling. Fung Kah Men !
I tell you this SHOCKED me. Dunno should happy or not. I run to Aries Ong & Paris Ng and my friends there, they congrats me LOL. then i faster go upstairs change my spike shoes.

actually is borrow from school d okay. Say until macam really urs ahh KarmenFung
Then we go to the tent and play again. They accompany me hahaha
I go semi-final competition just like that. In a UNEXPECTED feeling. HAHAHAHA !

see other school's sports wear ! YENG. I want to wear like this next year ;p go shock people xia.
Then I pray hard to God, I said thanks to Him let me enter to semi-final which I didn't expect and think about it before. And I said, I don't wish to get in final, just don't number last can already. True, God fulfill my wishes. HEHEHEE I didn't get number last. I get number last 3. Praise the LORD :D Of course, I didn't enter final. After a few moment, me, Paris and Aries bring our clothings to toilet. Guess what ? We wanna bath there ! Just rinse ourselves lar. Too sticky liao. Aries didn't bring her towel, she just change clothes. But she bring pillow there. 3 of us really very WEIRD d hahaa.

nehh the sleeping beauty.
After bath, we become wangi wangi liao ! hahhaaaa. FRESH !

My silly look LOL

me and Paris d NUMBER ^^

Whee my picture of the day ! <3

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