Today is a meaningful day for all SMC members.
We have a musical concert venued at SRJK(C) CHONG HWA.
It's successful and full of power !
I reach there about 5.30pm.
Usher's outfit.
I'm the usher.
This are the other ushers, crews and counselors.
While waiting for guest to arrive, they took the opportunity to chat.
Such romantic place :)

Erhem this guy is trying to make his eyes bigger.
Duhh funny usher.
This is the registration counter. This is high technology man !
They used about 10 laptops for the registration.
I saw many friends: Jian Xiang, Shang Kia, Joy etc etc.
Around 7.30pm, we manage to start our event.
The praising team leads the event at first.
格子组。They all wear plaid clothing. All is beh yee's idea -.-
The crowds tonight. PTL many people came.
Then the event continue by Reverant's prayer.
Prayer heals.
Kingdom works gospel singer ! The main characters tonight.
哈利路亚 生命已找到了新的方向
不再迷惘 也不需要回过去的悲伤
The three girls voice are wonderful.
Then we get hungry and we went out the hall to get some breads to eat.
Incidentally do some camwhore out there.
Suey @ Xiao Qing
London @ Jin Pei
spot the excess hand.
Then I found something. So cute.
This is for primary students I think. heheh
They have their sharing and testimony. Touching.
I found this front boy, SKL looks a bit like Ravern after wearing specs.
Sorry took your picture while you're praying :p
Everyone buy Kingdom Work's album, and let the 4 singers sign. Tang Xiao Kang left earlier.
Then the SKL didn't buy the album cause of $$ I think, he bring one fliers let them sign. Smart huh !
And Jin Pei, Suey etc were so urge to take picture with those gospel singers. They nearly went mad -.- SAKAI
Almost 10pm, the concert end.
Decorations took down, and here comes back the SRJK(C) Chong Hwa's logo.
Went to have supper with my family. Everybody eat much.
Kingdom Work's song were nice. Overall the musical concert was GOOD !
I hope everything goes fine.
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