Without Him, everything wouldn't could have done so well.

Prayer Changes Things.

We are the special gift.

We serve God by being liturgist, praise and worship team, ushers, actor&actress.
First, I wanna say about our praise team.
Song leaders- JinPei, SengLeng, XiaoQing, Hannah
Guitarist- YuBing
Drummer- KianLu
Tambourine dancers- PeiPei, Suey
They've done a great job ! Keep practice without fail or any complains.
All the physical pains, I think it's worth it right ? :)

Praise team & also the Drama team.

Really thank you to two of you. You two are good director and script writter.
Without teachers, everything we done is not everything.
Thanks for the patience, love to us.
There you are,

Erhem, spot the 跟帮. KianLu's wearing a wig !

David Livingstone died.
Can you all imagine that a small small backstage can hide 9 of us inside ?
We change there, laugh there. So a bit noisy :p
But we enjoy the moment.

Those teenagers are awesome :)
Next station, MIF camp !

Receive benediction.

Exhausted after few days of rehearsal and practices.
After MIF Sunday I sleep for the whole afternoon :p
Tiredness is worth and I'm very thankful !
Thank you to PAsystem person in charge, photographer etc etc.
God is good. All the time.
All the time. God is good.
All the time. God is good.
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